


Moonlight Adventures (2019)

This mysterious adventure happened with a boy named Theo, a well-known dreamer and a fidget.

It all started when Theo fell asleep in his rocket-shaped bed with a book of Midnight Stories. With a blink of a sleepy eye he became a little hero who had to save one small but very magical world. This world was obscure and full of shadows. Only a few coldly glowing trees were the source of light. But that glow belonged to the spirits who paralyzed every tree that used to nourish this world. Theo found his courage and went on a risky journey to recover life and become a savior in the magic realm.


The Prophecy (2020)

When the sun had risen and the first ray of sunshine touched his face, Kaito felt it again – he had to leave his hometown.

But where to?

“Your feet are cleverer than your mind”, - father’s voice echoed in Kaito’s head.

With the power of that voice and the strength of his own feet, Kaito found himself in the ancient Kaya Village.

As time went, the carpenter worked diligently to build new tree houses. Until one day, when Kaito fell into daydream and saw a vision where he had to become the seeker.

“My answers are my steps forward”, said the voice in Kaito’s mind.

With the faith in his heart and the strength of his own feet, Kaito found the Sacred Tree that revealed him the prophecy of the Ultimate Prosperity. But this prophecy has to be transmitted solely to one man with the Lost but Pure Soul.


The Inner Light (2021)

Kaito was a man of his word, so he continued his journey to find the pure soul, to which the Prophecy of Ultimate Prosperity should be passed on.

There was only one path that lead forward - through the Great Waterfall that has been an ancient source of all the waters in this world.

Though Kaito has never gone that far, he found the courage in his heart and stepped into the Great Waterfall. Its powerful streams parted right in front of him like curtains and the voice said: “Look into yourself”. Kaito closed his eyes and pushed himself forward towards the endless dark space.

He felt the rush of wind and chill on his body. When he opened his eyes Kaito saw thick forest with tall and mighty trees overgrown with tangled weeds. The strange mist was covering a lifeless ground. Then it appeared. A ray of sunshine fell onto Kaito’s chest as if guiding his way through.

Kaito followed the light and found himself near the river. It felt like warm fluid of pure love. He started to cry. He was crying away all his heart burning sorrows, disbeliefs, doubts and wounds that he made to himself. Until he heard the sweet muffled sound of butterfly wings that carried Kaito away to the warmest sleep of his life.

When he woke up, he was blinded by the light. But then he saw beautiful breathing forest with most colorful and unique birds, butterflies and flowers.

Kaito looked at himself and realized that it was the light within him that illuminated the world. He made everything shine and prosper.

That was it. Kaito finally found the pure soul. The secret of Ultimate Prosperity was right inside him. From this day onward Kaito was guided by his Inner Light.

Album with Nogymx

Beauty in the Ruins (2022)

“It was another morning in Karei. Amber rays of sun caressed majestic stone boulders that served as the border of the city. Only in these moments citizens could see the wonders of nature that still existed in their underground world.

Each of every three rays of morning light brought its enchantments.

The first beam carried a sparkling light and a quite hum. Nobody could understand why, but every citizen, young and old, felt the rush of life within their bodies and spirits. It helped them to start a day with an inner smile that reflected on their faces.

The second beam carried a riot of color that spread throughout the city like a thin veil. It painted different parts of the city with a single touch. Grey wells became sky blue, dark brown ceramic pots turned scarlet and black jackets transformed into grassy green. It made people live each day in a unique and memorable way.

The third beam was especially magical. It carried countless water droplets hanging in the air until the late evenings came and everyone was coming to bed. This was the favorite time for every Karei citizen, because each of these droplets started singing its special chant. The singing was so unusual that everyone heard their own unique melody, to which they sweetly fell asleep and dreamed about an eternal and colorful world.”

This story was told by two Yamabushi mountain monks.


Mind Temple (2022)

Under an enormous overgrown boulder high up in the Far East mountains that rose above the clouds was found an ancient manuscript of one well-known nomad.

It said:

“When you step inside your home - you step with honor. You honor your walls that keep you warm and protected from restless winds. You honor every corner that gives you safe rest, full stomach and a space to feel at peace within your body…

…and within your Mind.

Your home - is your impenetrable, forever loving fortress that always gives you a deserved shelter.

Your Mind is somewhat equal.

It is non impenetrable, it can be changed. It is not even loving at times because it plays its own tricks, and, moreover, sometimes it’s an opposite of shelter - which is a cage.

No, your Mind is definitely not your fortress but it may become your Temple.

A Temple, in which you allow all the emotions roam free, so they will not cage you.

A Temple, where you accept and greet love and hate as equals, so you could rise above the Mind tricks and make your own choice in favor of one of the two.

A Temple, where you honor every decision you make without dividing them into “good” and “bad”, because every decision is your precious and unique experience.

A Mind Temple is not a fool to play with, it is a child, a parent and a gift from above that is to be accepted and honored as it is”.